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High Point Pneumatics / Spray Booths  / Are You Meeting the Minimum Requirements for Your Paint Booth?

Are You Meeting the Minimum Requirements for Your Paint Booth?

Meeting the minimum requirements for paint booths for OSHA, the NFPA, and the EPA should be your top priorities when you’re looking for the right manufacturer to build your spray booth. As codes and regulations change, you need to find the best team to set you up for success. And what about after it’s built? Make sure your booth is up to code and properly maintained before inspection with these general guidelines and spray booth safety tips.


Before we get started, let’s be clear: this list is not intended as a comprehensive resource. It is a great guide to get you started, but because codes change, especially between states, it’s best to consult several resources.

Also: there are lots of things you can try to DIY. Spray booths are not one of them. Consult with the right team of professionals to make sure your booth will be up to code.

When preparing to build a spray booth, make sure your manufacturer will be able to meet the minimum requirements for paint booths with the following groups:

  • Your building inspector
  • The local Fire Marshall
  • Your insurance provider

You’ll also want to make sure your booth will be up to code with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Not sure what type of booth is best for you? Check out our most popular spray booth options.

Requirements to Consider:

Just how will your manufacturer make sure your booth is up to code? These primary guidelines will also help you maintain your booth after it’s built:

General Guidelines:

  • Spray booths should be constructed of steel, concrete, or masonry, and securely and rigidly supported.
  • Interior surfaces should be smooth, continuous, and non-combustible.
  • Sprinklers, visible gauges, and alarms should be properly installed.
  • Booth should be designed to sweep air currents toward the exhaust outlet.
  • Maintain a clear space of at least 3 ft on all sides and above the spray booth.

Basic Fire & Electrical Requirements:

  • Signs prohibiting smoking, flames, and sparks should be displayed within 20 ft of the booth.
  • Electrical equipment should be properly rated for use in flammable environments.
  • Portable lamps should be excluded from the spraying area or completely enclosed.
  • All metal elements of spray booths, exhaust ducts, and piping must be electrically grounded in a permanent manner.

Be advised that flammable and combustible liquids have their own storage, handling, and disposal requirements.

Ventilation Requirements:

  • Ventilation should be kept on during and after all spraying operations for a sufficient time to dissipate vapors.
  • Each ventilation unit should have an independent exhaust unit.
  • Fans should be made of nonferrous or nonsparking material.
  • Unprotected combustible materials should be at least 18 inches away from exhaust ducts.
  • Exhaust air should not be recirculated.

Be sure to know the symptoms of exposure. These include: skin irritation, fatigue, difficulty breathing, chest pain, nausea, rapid heartbeat, and blurry vision.

Spray booth safety tips:

Aside from these minimum requirements for paint booths, there are some essential safety practices to make sure your booth is maintained properly:

  • Restrict access for anyone with asthma, allergies, and respiratory illnesses.
  • Keep your spray booth clean and change filters regularly.
  • Maintain your spray equipment, including all hoses and nozzles.
  • Inspect elements of your booth every 3 months, including seals, caulking, ductwork.

Remember: consistency is key to safety protocol. Repetition of safe practices will ensure safety and efficiency.

Better Compliance with Custom Spray Booths:

Are you looking for a better spray booth solution from start to finish? At High Point Pneumatics of North Carolina, we create custom booths specific to your needs and make sure you meet compliance requirements with all necessary regulations. Got a question? We’ve got answers, whether we’ve built your spray booth or not!

Are You Meeting the Minimum Requirements for Your Paint Booth?